Device Running Config Persist

Use the device running config-persist command to save the running-config to startup-config on the devices from XCO.

The following example shows the output of the running-config persist on a specific device:

(efa:root)root@ubuntu:~# efa inventory device running-config persist --ip
Persist Device(s) Running-Config[success]
|  IP Address  | Host Name | Fabric | Status  | Reason |
| | leaf1     | fs     | Success |        |
Persist Running-Config Details
--- Time Elapsed: 10.10378192s ---

The following example output shows that fabric option is used to perform running config persist on all fabric devices:

(efa:root)root@ubuntu:~# efa inventory device running-config persist --fabric fs
Persist Device(s) Running-Config[success]
|  IP Address  | Host Name | Fabric | Status  | Reason |
| | leaf1     | fs     | Success |        |
| | leaf2     | fs     | Success |        |
Persist Running-Config Details
--- Time Elapsed: 10.115473486s ---